Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Reminder

The Grizzle Bear had to prove to himself every day that he was Grizzle Bear because he would forget. Even after looking at his paws and snout and ears and teeth in the creek's reflection, the Grizzle Bear doubted himself. He asked Rabbit, "Am I really a Grizzle Bear?"

"Only if you can stand on two legs," said Rabbit.

So the Grizzle Bear lumbered to a tree and begrudgingly pulled his upper body vertical.

"See! You are a Grizzle Bear today."

Grizzle Bear asked Squirrel, "How do I behave as a Grizzle Bear?"

"Roar every day," said Squirrel.

So the Grizzle Bear practiced roaring and he gained confidence.

"See! You are a Grizzle Bear today."

Grizzle Bear asked Owl: "Why am I a Grizzle Bear?"

"Because there is only one Grizzle Bear and that is you," said Owl. "It's your lot to be as Grizzle Bear as you can. Some days you will want to fly like Bird, or swim like Fish, or be small like Fox. But you are Grizzle Bear. Maximize the traits and gifts you have as Grizzle Bear, and look after them well. They are yours to share, not neglect and let atrophy."

Grizzle Bear smiled. He was Grizzle Bear.


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