Nazis were serious socialites
November 14th rant after bowling league:
I bowled like a dainty priss tonight, tip toeing around the lane. I couldn’t get a rhythm. I couldn’t get a groove. I am in a slump. Shit.
Slumps are curious predicaments. Once you’re in one, and you realize it, you think about it. Pretty soon, you’re dwelling on it. And then you’re infected by it, saturated and dripping with mediocrity, or worse: below average performance, which was the case tonight. Literally.
I couldn’t hit my average. It’s 133. Not great. Not even that good by competitive standards, but for me it’s a goal, a guide, a measuring point that I shoot for and try to get above. I guess that’s what everyone does. But still, back to me. My average is my target.
Tonight, I was thinking about my game too much. I was analyzing my approach, my stance, my grip, my feet, my hands, my elbows, my shoulders, my follow-through and even my pin action. I even had more gas than usual, which made for some interesting moments of trying to hold it in. It’s all about timing, and clinching ability, which is difficult when you quickly take several steps, bend at the knees and heave a 16 lb mass. But I’ve been holding in farts at social events for most of my life and my technique usually succeeds, but it takes focus. And now I’m writing about farting. Forget I mentioned it.
Crofoot said it the best: have fun. Having fun is like Samson’s hair: it was his strength. Without it, he was nothing. With it, he was undefeatable. I was being way too serious doing something that needs to be lighthearted. Our team’s strength is we’re there to have a good time and winning is a byproduct. When you take things too serious, you don’t have fun. Take the Nazis for example. They took socialism way too serious. And look what it got them: the blood of millions on their hands. Really, all they had to do to be better socialists was throw more kick-ass parties. That’s what truly social people do. The lesson here speaks for itself — Do what the Nazis didn’t: Party more, have fun being around others and invite everyone, not just the perfect people.
You might be wondering what this has to do with my poor bowling performance tonight. Well, I’ll tell you what I’ve learned: Don’t take anything that’s meant to be fun too serious or else you ruin it for yourself and everyone involved. And then people die. And death is serious shit.
I bowled like a dainty priss tonight, tip toeing around the lane. I couldn’t get a rhythm. I couldn’t get a groove. I am in a slump. Shit.
Slumps are curious predicaments. Once you’re in one, and you realize it, you think about it. Pretty soon, you’re dwelling on it. And then you’re infected by it, saturated and dripping with mediocrity, or worse: below average performance, which was the case tonight. Literally.
I couldn’t hit my average. It’s 133. Not great. Not even that good by competitive standards, but for me it’s a goal, a guide, a measuring point that I shoot for and try to get above. I guess that’s what everyone does. But still, back to me. My average is my target.
Tonight, I was thinking about my game too much. I was analyzing my approach, my stance, my grip, my feet, my hands, my elbows, my shoulders, my follow-through and even my pin action. I even had more gas than usual, which made for some interesting moments of trying to hold it in. It’s all about timing, and clinching ability, which is difficult when you quickly take several steps, bend at the knees and heave a 16 lb mass. But I’ve been holding in farts at social events for most of my life and my technique usually succeeds, but it takes focus. And now I’m writing about farting. Forget I mentioned it.
Crofoot said it the best: have fun. Having fun is like Samson’s hair: it was his strength. Without it, he was nothing. With it, he was undefeatable. I was being way too serious doing something that needs to be lighthearted. Our team’s strength is we’re there to have a good time and winning is a byproduct. When you take things too serious, you don’t have fun. Take the Nazis for example. They took socialism way too serious. And look what it got them: the blood of millions on their hands. Really, all they had to do to be better socialists was throw more kick-ass parties. That’s what truly social people do. The lesson here speaks for itself — Do what the Nazis didn’t: Party more, have fun being around others and invite everyone, not just the perfect people.
You might be wondering what this has to do with my poor bowling performance tonight. Well, I’ll tell you what I’ve learned: Don’t take anything that’s meant to be fun too serious or else you ruin it for yourself and everyone involved. And then people die. And death is serious shit.
If you're ever at a party where a Nazi has been invited, don't even hit the coat room. Turn right back around and go to Steak & Shake because that party is gonna be all kinds of no fun.
oh, geez.
i'm actually suprised that you hold the farts in. please take no offense.
and nazis, huh? you makin' fun of my people :)
Your bowling average is far more superior than mine. I'm lucky if I even get close to breaking 100.
i never want to hear "bowling" and "nazis" in the same blog ever again.
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